Universität Bonn

Data Science & Intelligent Systems

Thesis Topics

DSIS research group offers various topics for Master and Bachelor Theses in Data Analytics, Information Retrieval and Semantic Technologies.

We provide a selection of topics for Master and Bachelor Theses in Data Analytics, Information Retrieval and Semantic Technologies. If you are interested in doing your thesis with our group, please contact Ran Yu.  

Information regarding the Master Thesis seminar is provided on eCampus.

Current Offers





Office Location Recommendation Master Marco Markwald




Location-Based News Retrieval Optimization Based on Knowledge Graphs


Dr. Ran Yu
A Multi-Task and Context-Aware POI Embeddings


Rajjat Dadwal
Enhancing Explainability of Node Classification with Graph Structure Information


Marco Markwald


Enhancing Explainability of Node Classification with Graph Structure Information (Master)
Privacy-Preserving Trajectory Generation (Master)
Entity Linking in WorldKG Knowledge Graph (Master)
Cluster-based Concept Learning for Travel Time Forecasting (Master)
Subtopic Relation Extraction for Knowledge Graph of Learning Concepts (Master)
Trajectory to User Linking (TUL) based on heterogeneous sparse data (Master)
Language Models for Entity Typing (Master)
Schema Alignment of OpenStreetMap and Knowledge Graphs on Property Level (Master)
Towards a Global Company Knowledge Graph (Master)
Constructing and Evaluating State-aware Evaluation Metrics for Interactive IR (Master)
Verknüpfung von Straßennamen in OpenStreetMap mit Personen in Wissensgraphen (Bachelor)
A comparative analysis of deep learning models for time series anomaly detection (Master)
Representation Learning Algorithms for Road Intersections (Master)
Predicting Links between Places and Historical Events in Knowledge Graphs (Master)
Learning Transferable Trajectory Representations (Master)
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